Work it out: Juliette Loughran, gallerist, on doing what you love for a living

Harbers Bazaar, June 21, 2017

The founder of Loughran Gallery talks about how her passion for classic cars led her to a career in contemporary art

Each week, we interview a successful woman to find out how she made it to the top, and get tips on maintaining a successful work-life balance. This week, we meet Juliette Loughran, the founder of Loughran Gallery.


Describe your company and role.

I started Loughran Gallery with the belief that art can really add another dimension to life; for me, it evokes a real sense of happiness and calm. Loughran Gallery is somewhere the whole experience of investing in art, from discovering an artist to buying a work, is as enjoyable and refreshing as possible. My role is to make sure that this remains a constant and that we continue to exhibit high-quality contemporary art with longevity.

Describe your career path.

I had a short stint at university before realising it wasn't for me, then moved to London to work in fashion before joining the family car business. I've always been interested in classic cars; I see them more as works of art than vehicles. I also loved art from an early age, as growing up around classic cars gave me a real appreciation for beautiful things, and the mix of the two naturally developed into my collecting art.

It wasn't necessarily a conscious decision to start Loughran Gallery. After deciding to put on a pop-up show, I just followed what I loved and it grew organically from there. It took me away from the cars a little too quickly, though; I've managed to get back more of a balance between the two now, which is great.


What has been the most positive surprise to you in your career?

Just how supportive people can be. It's amazing to see how even a complete stranger can be so kind with their time, encouragement and advice. 


What has been the biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? 

I went into the art world knowing very little about it and how it worked; I don't think I even knew one person in the industry. I guess looking back, that was probably a challenge, but at the time I just got on with what I wanted to do, worked hard and things started to happen.


What is the most rewarding aspect of what you do? 

It's so rewarding to see how much a piece of art can mean to someone, and the joy it can bring them, especially when you've witnessed the artist starting with a blank canvas. To see it from both sides is pretty special.


What skill do you think has been most critical to your success? 

I'm quite adaptable, which has been helpful in operating a roaming gallery. When things haven't exactly gone to plan, it's important to be able to be creative and jump into action to make it work. 


What is changing in your industry that excites you?

Contemporary art is always evolving. Whether it's seeing an established artist take a new direction or finding an emerging talent, it's a constant source of inspiration and excitement.

What advice would you give to someone just coming in to your industry now? 

Work hard, follow your instincts and don't give up. There'll be plenty of bumps along the way: embrace them and they could take you down a path you would never have thought of.

What would you like someone to invent to make your life easier? 

I'd love to be able to remember my dreams: it wouldn't exactly make life easier, but it would be cool. Apart from that, time travel would be handy.

Do you have a mentor or someone who has inspired you?

My dad has always been a huge inspiration to me. From a young age, he involved me in business – I think I was sitting in on meetings when I was five. He instilled a belief in me that it was important to have a level of independence, to love what you do but not to put it above everything in life. I think that would serve anyone well to remember. 

What is your work look?

I'm pretty casual, so my go-to look would be a simple T-shirt or knit with jeans, which I'll dress up or down with my choice of shoes.

What is your favourite…
…way to entertain clients or colleagues? 

A long brunch or lunch at Colbert.

…form of exercise? 

I'm a complete Bodyism convert: it's like a little slice of heaven on Westbourne Grove. Imogen's personal-training sessions are amazing, and then I like to mix it up with Pilates, Blueprint and boxing. 

…way to relax? 

A bath and a film at home.

…beauty treatment or product? 

Massage and acupuncture.

…accessory for work? 

Charlotte Olympia kitty slippers.

…tech product? 

My MacBook Air.


Granger & Co.

…service you can't live without? 



Tell us about something else you're involved in.

We're launching Maddie Rose Hill's latest works in Notting Hill in mid-July. I'm very excited about her as an artist and this will be her first solo show with Loughran Gallery. 

To find out more about Loughran Gallery, visit